Key to successful commenting is to select blog in your niche and stay on topic while commenting.Here are 10 quick tips Of Blog Commenting To Increase Traffic to your blog while commenting in other blog.
1.Use Plugin –
Comment LuvComment Luv enables you to share a post of your blog while commenting in other blogs. Additional feature also allows you to share 3 or more posts in one article.So when you find a blog topic in your niche,put an attractive opinion and share a relevant post from you blog in that.
2.Use Keyword while commenting
Using name@keyword helps you in seo and most bloggers don’t mind that at all. e.g. Mark@tips for bloggers in the name section of comment.
3.Facebook Comment using your page
While commenting in blogs through facebook,choose to post as “your page name” instead of your profile name.This gives you a chance of having more likes and creating more reach through your facebook fan page.
4.Comment with Relevance
Don’t write something which would be a waste of time for readers.One your comment may not be approved at first place. Second even if it is approved and with a long trail of comments It may spoil your reputation as a blogger.
5.Use Image/Gravatar
When users see an Image,comment seems more authentic and its more likely readers will click on your link.It matters as bloggers want to communicate with humans and not robots.
5.Use Image/Gravatar
When users see an Image,comment seems more authentic and its more likely readers will click on your link.It matters as bloggers want to communicate with humans and not robots.
6.Comment at the earliest
Its really amazing when you see a large tail of comments following on a post where you have commented soon after it was published. So when you are followingany blog or have come across a post which is recently published,shoot a comment at the earliest.Its better to showyour comment just after the post rather than in the middle or at the end of a comment trail.
7.Reply to other comments
Don’t reply only to the post.Address to other bloggers who have commented on that post. Many a times you will find very logical queries being asked and those comments are read as many times as one reads the post.
8.Great to have Nested comments
Having voice in a discussion will drive Traffic.Write relevant and put logical queries about the post so that others start replying to your comment.Mark your presence with that and it will surely interest bloggers to know more about you.
9.Don’t be a spammer
As a blogger you can’t afford to spoil youronline reputation.Don’t resort to easier methods of building links,it hardly matters for the price you pay when it’s considered as a spam from you.
10.Write Quality Comment and respect others
Don’t be aggressive or abusive to other bloggers even if they are behaving in such manner.Stick to topic discussion and avoid arguments. Build reputation to drive quality traffic to your website.