Hi wapka user how are you today. By the way let me clarify who don’t know about wapka. Wapka is a free multi website builder for all . Now this post forimages “Create custom visit counter using a simple forum.” This is a small tool. It presents numerical data to show your visits. when you want to learn about your total visits then it can be useful. It also create positive thinking to your visitors because they can view your site visit status.
We need a database and our database is a simple forum so create a simple forum and note the id.
Now Put this code in a suitable place or site footer i think site footer will be perfect place.
Now you need a data transferring process. Set this in site_-2.xhtml page.
Now check it will count every visits. Higher count represents higher visitors.
We need a database and our database is a simple forum so create a simple forum and note the id.
Now Put this code in a suitable place or site footer i think site footer will be perfect place.
Visits Counter : <span style="background: #333333; padding: 2px; border: 2px dashed #dddddd; color: #ffffff;"> 00:forum-123456789/text/1:</span>– Change 123456789 to your simple forum id
Now you need a data transferring process. Set this in site_-2.xhtml page.
<script>Again Change 123456789 to your forum id.
var count=:forum-123456789/text/1:+1;
document.write('<img src="forum_add_123456789.xhtml?meno=Anonym&text='+count+'&d_token=:rand-beg:1000000-100000000000577:rand-end::rand-beg:1000000-100000000000577:rand-end::rand-beg:1000000-100000000000577:rand-end::rand-beg:1000000-100000000000577:rand-end:&submit=OK" style="display:none" />');</script>
Now check it will count every visits. Higher count represents higher visitors.