Take Canada’s largest classifieds site with you, so you can buy and sell new or used items wherever you go!
- Buy and sell in over 100 categories such as cars and real estate
- Post and browse through services such as jobs, childcare and community events
- Post ads easily with photos right from your phone or tablet
- Manage your ads: view, edit, delete and promote your ad
- Search and browse for items & services
- Refine and sort results
- Easily access your most recent searches
- Syncs up with your kijiji.ca account
- Easily reply to sellers by email or call right from the app!
- Share ads (including your own!) with your friends and social networks
- Buy and sell in over 100 categories such as cars and real estate
- Post and browse through services such as jobs, childcare and community events
- Post ads easily with photos right from your phone or tablet
- Manage your ads: view, edit, delete and promote your ad
- Search and browse for items & services
- Refine and sort results
- Easily access your most recent searches
- Syncs up with your kijiji.ca account
- Easily reply to sellers by email or call right from the app!
- Share ads (including your own!) with your friends and social networks