Over 200 million people use Wish to get trending items for 50-80% cheaper than what you’d pay at your local mall. Join them and get the hottest products at incredible prices delivered directly to your door. Wish is the #1 shopping mall in Europe and North America, allowing you to browse a worldwide selection of trending fashion, accessories, and electronics directly at your fingertips.

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We have users in the United States, France, Germany, UK, Sweden, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Netherlands, Finland, Puerto Rico, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Chile, Japan, Costa Rica, Poland, Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Singapore, Ecuador, India, Russia, and many more!

We have language support for English, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, French, Italian, German, Thai, Vietnamese, Turkish, Russian, Danish, Indonesian, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian, Arabic, and Croatian.


Features Include:

  • Browse through millions of products in your favorite categories
  • Refine search by Size, Color, and Rating
  • Shop branded products in Wish Outlet
  • Deal Dash - Once-a-day extra discount on a select number of items
  • Hourly Deals - 2 Featured products receive extra discounts every hour!
  • Access to thousands of trustworthy user reviews & photos
  • Add items to your Wish List and view them at anytime
  • Create multiple Wish Lists, such as “Holiday Outfits” or “Android Accessories”
  • Enter Promo Code in shopping cart before checkout
  • Easy “slide-to-pay” checkout